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Reflections of the Flows

Outdoor Installation, Aug. 2019

at Northern Avenue in Yerevan Armenia

in the 1st Armenian International Photo Fest

Reflections of the Flows


If there were no Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the Mesopotamia civilization wouldn't exist.

If there are no rivers, the mesos (in-between) potamos (rivers) civilization wouldn’t exist.

Our civilizations are an expression of “dwelling" by the rivers. We are the reflections of the flows of the rivers.

So when we see something near the rivers included ourselves, it can be said that this is one of the many shapes reflecting the rivers.


Here, in my work “Reflections of the flows”, I worked along two rivers,. First along with Kamo river (the Yodo-gawa River system) through Kyoto and Osaka in Japan, Later I worked along with Hrazdan river (the Arao, Kura River system) through Gegharkunik, Kotayk and Yerevan in Armenia.

Kamo river runs through Kyoto, one of the oldest city in Japan where I live, and I thought it is a good example to line up with my new experience of the Hrazdan river.

For the installation, the two rivers will be lined up. I selected six points from each river. The total of twelve works will be installed at the entrance of Northern avenue in Yerevan. The six images from each river are hung in the same ratio distance as from the global position which is about in the scale of 1:13,333 (1m shows about 13km distance).

The audience can walk the ”in-between” the rivers to feel the mesos potamos.


I am trying to build back the images into the domain of the “river" by montaging the scenes of surroundings over the rivers its-selves which forms “ouroboros” appearance.




Reflexiones de los flujos


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