Official Website of Artist Naoyuki Ogino

Archaeologists state that the most ancient human art can be found in the paintings and handprints as found in caves. Recent research has indicated that this art was mainly made by women's hands. The ancient handprints are an index of the women who put them on the walls of the cave, just as a photograph of a person can be seen as a materialized trace of that person.
With my "Skin" series, I am trying to visualize not only a feeling of presence of a female body, like a breath felt on their skin, but also a materiality through a rich texture in the print that touches your eyes directly and deeply. It connects me with other human beings as if I were reaching out for them and experiencing them from a womb, experiencing the outside world from a place of in-betweens. In-between feeling and touching, naked and veiled, body and landscape, positive and negative, reality and illusion, past and future or life and death. Being in this sphere of in-betweens or 'world of the myth' makes me feel very connected with nature.
Without our skin we cannot connect of feel or identify ourselves. In this way the skin can be seen as a kind of primitive entrance to experience the other. And also the handprints -an index of the women- in the caves can be seen as a kind of primitive entrance to feel the other's existence and maybe that is why this primitive art is so powerful as it connects us with our ancestors.
The skins of this series are unique and personal but at the same time they are separated from the actual woman and turned into an anonymous entity like the ones in the world of the myth.
Los arqueólogos dicen que el arte humano más antiguo se puede encontrar en las pinturas y huellas de las manos que se encuentran en cuevas. Investigaciones recientes han indicado que este arte fue hecha principalmente por las manos de las mujeres. Las antiguas huellas de las manos son un índice de las mujeres que las pusieron en las paredes de la cueva, al igual que una fotografía de una persona puede ser visto como un rastro materializado de esa persona.
Con mi serie "Skin", estoy tratando no sólo a visualizar un sentimiento de la presencia de un cuerpo femenino, como un soplo sintió en su piel, sino también una materialidad a través de una textura rica en la impresión que toca directamente y profundamente a sus ojos. Esto me conecta con otros seres humanos como si estuviera alcanzando a ellos y experimentarlos desde dentro de la matriz, experimentarlos el mundo exterior desde un lugar de en-intermediarios. En-intermediarios entre sentir y tocar, desnuda y con velo, el cuerpo y el paisaje, positiva y negativa, la realidad y la ilusión, pasado y futuro o la vida y la muerte. Estar en esta esfera de en-intermediarios o "mundo del mito" me hace sentir muy conectado con la naturaleza.
Sin nuestro piel no podemos conectar de sentirnos o identificarnos. De esta manera la piel puede ser visto como una especie de entrada primitiva para experimentar el otro. Y también las huellas de las manos -índice de las mujeres- en las cuevas puede ser visto como una especie de entrada primitiva a sentir la existencia del otro y tal vez es por eso que este arte primitivo es tan fuerte, como que nos conecta con nuestros antepasados.
Las pieles de esta serie son únicos y personales pero al mismo tiempo se separan de la mujer real y se convierten en una entidad anónima como los que en el mundo del mito.
There are several type of the prints.
You can see by the name of the prints.
"Skin Is n/S/G/B" measn (I)Skin No.1 (s)small size, (n)with the image of negative / (S)salt printed / (G)over Ganpi Japanese handmade paper / (B) with Brass foil glued from back.
* Size of the prints->
Large size prints= 23x32cm (image size:17x26cm), framed individually.
(s)Small size prints= 6x9cm (image size:5x7.5cm)= about the size of "Carte de Visite" and framed in one frame (12 prints in front and extra 1 in it’s back).
* Type of image->
(n)negative or (p)positive
* Type of printing process->
(S)Salt Print or (I)Archival pigment prints
* Type of printed paper->
(G)very thin "Ganpi" Japanese paper or
(SR)100% Cotton Gloss finished "Silver Rag" paper
* Type of metal foil glued from back of Ganpi->
(G)Gold, (S)Silver, (B)Brass, (T)Tin, or (-)none
Each type is in edition of 1/1.
Skin Is n/S/G/B

Alignment sequence fixed in one frame Edition 1/1 Small size prints of Skin I with (n)=negative image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)=Tin foil glued from back

Alignment sequence fixed in one frame Edition 1/1 Small size prints of Skin I with (n)=negative image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)=Tin foil glued from back
Skin Is p/S/G/T

Alignment sequence fixed in one frame Edition 1/1 Small size prints of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)=Tin foil glued from back

Alignment sequence fixed in one frame Edition 1/1 Small size prints of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)=Tin foil glued from back
Skin I n/S/G/-

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)= no metallic foil glued from back
Skin I p/S/G/T

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with (p)=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (T)= Tin foil glued from back
Skin I p/S/G/-

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Alignment sequence is flexible as each photograph are framed individually Edition 1/1 Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Alignment sequence is flexible as each photograph are framed individually Edition 1/1 Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1

Large size print of Skin I with ℗=positive image / (S)=Salt print / (G)= Ganpi Japanese paper / (-)=no metal foil glued from back Edition 1/1